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2023 > Words & Gestures of the Church on Human Mobility and Interculturality

Thematic Week from 2 to 6 September 2024

in preparation for the 110th World Migrant and Refugee Day "GOD WALKS WITH HIS PEOPLE" on Sunday 29 September 2024

we prepare ourselves by discovering "words and gestures" of the universal and local Church on migration with a rich programme at the Abbey of San Paolo d'Argon:

Mon 2 | 18.00
Presentation of the diocesan initiatives for the 110th World Migrant and Refugee Day (29/9/24) with speeches dedicated to:

  • the message of Pope Francis "God walks with His people" - by Fr Sergio Gamberoni (Fileo)
  • diocesan and parish initiatives for GMMR24 - by Carmen Makewa (CET 12 - Dalmine)
  • the GMMR24 materials - by Elena Valle
  • good parish practices of migration and intercultural pastoral care - by Donatella Vecchi
  • the FILEO training and animation proposals for the pastoral year 2024-25 - edited by Giancarlo Domenghini

          | 20.00

of the week and of the installation SHORTS EXHIBITED

Tue 3 | 18.00
HUMAN MOBILITY and INTERCULTURE in the SCOUT experiences of chapter and route
Workshop among the clans in Bergamo with testimonies by:

  • ALZANO-NEMBRO - Intercultural Chapter 2023-24
  • BERGAMO 1 - Service Route to Lampedusa
  • SERIATE - service route in Trieste
  • PONTE SAN PIETRO - Route to Bose (Experience of Islamic-Christian fraternity)
  • GOVERNMENT COMMUNITY - Scout workshop with Fileo

to follow buffet and SHORTS EXHIBITED

          | 20.00 CAL-CARE TO YOU O'SCIÀ...
Workshop for CRE organised by Ecummé

Wed 4 | 18.00
WORDS&GESTURES expression of the local Christian community

Round table for the exchange of good practices with representatives from the parishes of:

  • GANDINO - Inter-parish Caritas
  • COMENDUNO - Welcoming Group
  • ALZANO-NEMBRO - Scout Group
  • GHISALBA - Oratory
  • ZOGNO - "Beauty of Diversity" Group
  • VAL CAVALLINA - Ecummé Commission
  • BOLGARE - Don Bosco Cineteatre

followed by buffet and EXPOSED COURSES

Thu 5 | 18.00

Workshop on promoting intercultural and interreligious dialogue in pre-schools

Fileo, in cooperation with Adasm-Fism, is again this year dedicating an appointment to a discussion on how intercultural and interreligious dialogue can be promoted in pre-schools.

The programme of work includes:

  • Introduction by Don Sergio Gamberoni (Fileo) and Michela Valtulini (Villongo S.F. Nursery School)
  • Echoes of the impact in the Infant-toddler Centres of some instruments:
    • Kaleidoscope: a calendar designed and produced by the I colori del mondo group that collects the religious festivities reported by group members
    • 12cubesx6holidays and 22cubesx11holidays: interactive games allowing the construction of a reminder of 6 holidays and the greetings message linked to them
    • other significant experiences
  • The Kaleidoscope 2025 by Elena Valle and Donatella Vecchi (I colori del mondo - Grumello del Monte)
  • Migration and intercultural literature for pre-school by Ursula Grüner
  • Conclusions by Simona Lanzini (ADASM-FISM)

Thu 5 | 18.00

Round table with:
  - (3Bmeteo)
  - Don Alessandro Sesana (Cascina Nuova dell'Agro Cooperative)
  - Stefano Remuzzi - director of the Social and Labour Pastoral Office

Followed by buffet and COURSES EXHIBITED

Fri 6 | 8 pm

Meditative dance workshop (curated by Giusi Morotti)
N.B.: at the same time, animation workshops for children
followed by buffet organised by I colori del mondo di Grumello del Monte and CORTI ESPOSTI


Exhibition of short films selected from the IFF-Integration Film Festival archive to introduce the message of Pope Francis for the 110th World Migrant and Refugee Day "GOD WALKS WITH HIS PEOPLE".
Free admission

Art installation by Elena Valle

AMERICAN MARRIAGE by Giorgio Arcelli Fontana (USA, 2018, 14' 45'')
Leonardo, an Italian immigrant living in New York, marries a Latina woman, Nikki, in order to obtain an American green card. Through the comedy of it all Nikki and Leo fall in love 'for real', but it seems that 'Uncle Sam' will be the only one to have the last laugh.

KVARA, a story of love and football by Raffaele Iardino (Italy, 2023, 11'06'')
A young street vendor from Sri Lanka, while working during the celebrations for Napoli's Scudetto, receives a phone call that will disrupt his evening. From then on, Kamal's attempts to reach the person who called him will fail one after the other in the chaotic frenzy of the city in celebration. The film's finale opens a reflection on one of the most burning issues of our time.

IUS MARIS by Vincenzo D'arpe (Italy, 2018, 15')
The short film tells the story of Yassine, a young man born and raised in Lecce by Moroccan parents who live, like all second-generation children, straddling two cultures, never supported by true integration. Through the sea and surfing, however, the integration process will become a reality, Yassine will become a teacher in a surf camp, attended by people of all races and religions.

TULIPE by Andrea di Cicco (Italy, 2018, 14'59')
Valeria is a lonely woman. Widowed for five years, to keep herself busy she attends church and does voluntary work. Valeria has a son who, however, only visits her to have his clothes washed or leave his dog with her. During a social lunch Valeria meets Tulipe, a distinguished gentleman of Somali origin. When Valeria's son finds out about their union the conflict is inevitable.

DENT DE LLEÓ by Jorge Bellver (Spain, 2015, 6'54'')
The wind has no boundaries, dreams have no limits. The flight of a dandelion from the heart of Africa to our shores symbolises future hope for millions of people in a globalised world.

Ours is a network work with:
Ecummè Commission, Cooperativa Impresa Sociale Ruah, IFF - Integrazione Film Festival, Adasm Fism Bergamo, Abbazia San Paolo d'Argon, with the contribution of the 8x1000 of the Catholic Church

Documenti da scaricare